You’re Invited!
Join Senator Codi Galloway for a remote lunch meeting. Register using the QR code
Codi Visits the Ranch Podcast
Just two weeks into the session, Codi Galloway discusses the issues that matter (Kids and school, Homeless issues, Increased crime, Illegal immigration, JFAC funding, Legislature pay raise) and the work beginning at the Idaho State Capitol. View the 30-minute interview by clicking the picture above.
Priorities at the Capitol
I knocked on thousands of doors this summer and have not forgotten that my constituents want safe communities, lower housing costs, and lower taxes. I am working on legislation that matches those priorities. I promise to be your limited government, responsible leadership, and Idaho values Senator. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions—email me at or call at 208 614-2634
Representative Dori Healey on Education
I have other obligations on February 6th and cannot attend. But you are invited to Rep Dori Healey’s event. Reach out to her directly with any questions or sign up here,